15. Is the Past Holding You Back?

15. Is the Past Holding You Back?

In this episode, we'll discuss how to leave your past, well...in the past.  

I'll give you an easy to remember three-step method to get you through one of life's biggest hurdles and move you forward.

Hindsight is always 20/20 (it's cliché because it's true!!! So true!!) 

Sorry, not sorry about the singing, by the way.  



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Now the episode... 

I was talking with someone recently about how to package things up and pivot in her business. In discussing the backstory, she said, "I wish I knew what I had back then! I didn't even realize the value that I had!"

How many times have you heard or thought that?  I wish I knew how valuable my email list was, I wish I didn't sell my house before the boom, I wish this, I wish that....

But nobody can go backward! We can use the information to move forward but if we're stuck in this kink of thinking, you're just creating from the past over and over. 

Think of those navigation devices we used to have or now the maps app on our phone... what happens if you take a wrong turn? Nothing really, it just re-calibrates and gives you more information about moving forward.  Even if you took a "wrong turn," it doesn't matter! 

But how often do we have these thoughts somewhere in the back of your mind taking up space and draining energy? So much energy! But guess what.... you can't f**k it up!!!

You are always on your path

The universe always finds a new route, the universe always provides

What weight is lifted with this shift?! Knowing you're on your path? That just changes the total energy you're showing up with in business and life.

THREE STEPS TO HELP if you're stumbling/having trouble with your path:

1. Recognize - what keeps coming up from your past? What is holding us back, holding our attention?

2. Release - Let it go! Remind yourself you're still (Always) on your path!

3. Root into Possibility - this is the action to help you move forward and create something new

This moves you from creating from your past to choosing to create a new future! Take a deep breath and really lean into this method.

Let's stay connected:

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